Neil's Speaking/Media Testimonials

“Year after year, Mr. Neil Anderson has mesmerized, inspired and engaged diverse audiences at the City Treasurer’s Small Business Entrepreneur Expo. Mr. Anderson is a dynamic speaker who provides sound advice, uses current information and draws from real-life experiences to empower and motivate. He is a crowd favorite! If you are looking to engage with a detail oriented and well-organized speaker, look no further. Package deal = Neil.”

Lilia Paredes-City of Chicago/Small Business Expo

“That was great story Neil!! Thanks for all of your help. I hope you were happy with the outcome. Very informative segment. I will be in touch soon.”

Ashley DiRosa
News Assignment Editor
KARE 11 News

“Neil often appeared as a guest on “Your Money,” a business magazine program I produced for Chicagoland Television News. His expertise in all areas of entrepreneurship, combined with his obvious comfort before the camera made him the perfect guest. We could rely on him to give our viewers sound advice based on his personal experiences working large companies with brand names our audience could easily recognize. If you’re looking for an expert interview or to hire a guest or keynote speaker, Neil Anderson will not disappoint.”

Amy Simons
The Money Show

Good afternoon! Thank you very much for being here today to speak to our members about how to write a business plan. It was by far one of the best presentations we have had for our BEST Luncheons! I think it was great that the people that attended could leave today and know exactly what their first steps need to be to get their company up and running. We all learned a lot of valuable information today! We look forward to working with you in the future!

Lisa Myhre
Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce

“Neil is a true professional with great work ethic. He was a pleasure to work with.”
Jerry Roper President & CEO, Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce

“Neil, it was great having you in the broadcast tonight! What a great topic in such a challenging time for so many workers. You could have been doing a lot of different things on a Saturday night and we deeply appreciate your gift of time and expertise to our viewers. Best wishes to you for the rest of the summer and I look forward to having you back on the show again.”

Timothy Blotz
Fox 9 News

“Segment was great…thanks so much. And feel free to pass on any other ideas for future segments.”

Jennifer VanderSanden
Weekend News Producer
NBC5 Chicago

“You were wonderful once again! Thanks for coming down. You are always a wonderful asset to our show. You can tell Bill really enjoys having you on.”

Kathryn Delk
The Money Show with Bill Moller
WGN Radio

“Neil, thanks again for joining us, it was great having you on the show and I look forward to working with you again. Here’s the link to the segment… it turned out very well!”

Seth Kaplan
Senior Producer – FOX 9 News

“Your workshop was one of the most dynamic workshops that I have attended in a longtime. It is good to have a speaker who could understand, been there done that and can give helpful solutions. Also, I liked when you made us remember and know that is okay to be different. Once we show the naysayers the money – need I say more. Neil you were so on fire and on the money, I am surprised that the Fire Marshall’s did not shut you down. The room had reached its capacity people along the wall, outside the door and in the aisles-what were you thinking? :>) You needed a bigger room! So next year when you comeback you will have the joint rooms. On a serious note, I am humbly grateful for the words of enCouragement and the attached handouts. I know that your consultation will be worth any amount that you are requesting. At this time, I am experiencing a valley low, where I have lost everything, however I am still standing. Setback is a Set up for a Comeback!!

Velena Miller
Chicago, IL

“Neil, as usual, you did a great job! Just like Bill said, “Just like Sinatra.” You always nail it the first time Will look forward to having you on the show soon. Keep the great ideas coming.”

Amy Simons
The Money Show

“Hello Neil: “I just want to take this moment to thank you for the great presentations that you conducted at the Seventh Annual City Treasurer’s Small Business Expo. Your presentations were very informative, and presented in a manner that the audience was able to understand and learn from. Your workshops on “How and Why to Write an Effective Business Plan” were some of the highest rated workshops by the attendees at the Expo. This is attributable to your professionalism and preparation of the subject material. Many attendees expressed in their evaluation that they felt more confident in writing their Business Plans because of your presentation and the information you shared with them. I appreciate your partnership and look forward to having you present at our future Expos.”

Hector M. Rodriguez
Deputy City Treasurer
Economic Development
City of Chicago

“Neil Anderson is a “Start Up” guy who lives the life he preaches. Several years ago Neil got the notion that there was a need for someone to assist others in starting up their own business. So, he “started up” one himself and ever since has successfully assisted hundreds of individuals in starting their own by walking them through the steps, providing them “how to” advise, giving them leads and ideas, and 4 handling all the paper work, forms, applications, etc. for a very reasonable fee. Neil is a “go to” guy to “get started”.”

Doug Seville , Managing Director, DBM – CHICAGO

“Thank you so much, Neil. I really enjoyed your presentation. I thought you were one of the best speakers that day. You did not digress and lose your audience. Great job!”

April Jeffers
Certified Storybook Reporter

“Dear Neil, thanks for another outstanding presentation. Each time you appear at our organization, the audience numbers are much larger. It is always a pleasure having you be our keynote speaker because you are always well prepared, informed, and able to speak in a manner that puts the audience on the edge of their seats. I look forward to your coming back many times to share your enthusiasm and wisdom with us again! Our members find you to be at the very cutting edge of creative thought about business problems entrepreneurs’ face, both in the start-up phase and continuing into their fast growth phase. In my opinion, your presentations are always exceptional and we are very fortunate you continue to support our organization.

Jerry Mitchell
Midwest Entrepreneurs Forum

“Neil, thank you for a great talk. Yes, all the comments that I heard were very complimentary.”

Bill Wentz
The University of Chicago/Graduate School of Business
Entrepreneur Roundtable

“I can’t think of anyone else in the small business consulting industry who I would endorse with as much hearty gusto as I would Neil. I have had him on my radio show numerous times and EVERY time he comes through with solid, imaginative advice. He handles listener calls with aplomb because he knows his stuff. I have recommended him before to budding entrepreneurs and I look forward to the chance to do it many times again.” Thanks again”

Bill Moller
The Money Show with Bill Moller
WGN Radio

“On behalf of The Minneapolis Regional Chamber of commerce, thank you for speaking at the educational seminar on Tuesday, March 28, 2006. The chamber members really enjoyed the information you presented and appreciated your willingness to speak. I heard favorable comments and know that the members were very pleased they attended.”

Amie Burill/Small Business Manager
Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce

“Neil has provided a very effective presentation on Exploring Self Employment: Entrepreneurship to candidates coming through outplacement services with Right Management for many years. As a presenter he is articulate, knowledgeable and effectively balances real-life examples with critical content. He possesses strong knowledge and expertise around exploring entrepreneurship and participants who attend his sessions consistently comment on his positive energy, enthusiasm and ability to relate you knowledge to their specific questions and situations.”

Sue Nelson VP-Right Management

“Neil, oh, you beat me to the punch! As always, you did a wonderful job and I am so pleased you enjoy it! Thank you so much for your time, effort and professionalism- much appreciated! Attached is the list of attendees and no shows. Please let me know if you have any questions – and when you would like to speak again!

Rachel Roemke
Director of Programs, Small Business Events
The Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce

“Neil, it was a pleasure meeting a person with enthusiasm, and positive mental attitude. I think America is so great because of entrepreneur like you. As I spoke, we are trying to open an Indian Restaurant in the Northern Suburbs, and my role most probably be an AI and be involved in the overall Business management and PR and other business development. My partner would be the direct operational guy who knows how to run the day-to-day activities.”

Simhan Mandyam
Oak Park, IL

“Neil, I want to thank you for the great program that you presented on Saturday. The program received rave reviews from the patrons who were in attendance Your energy, enthusiasm and expertise inspired our patrons. Many of them approached me after the program to request a second session. These future entrepreneurs also appreciated that you extended the program in order to answer all of their questions. Again, thank you for one of my most successful programs.”

John Ericson
Corporate and Small Business Liaison Librarian
Schaumburg Township District Library

“Neil is an excellent presenter and has always received high marks on our workshop evaluations.”

Joseph DeLaGarza, MBA

“Bob, this is to let you know that I found the Entrepreneur seminar by Neil Anderson off the charts in terms of content, practical tips and most important, in giving me the courage to explore this track. I gave me so much to think about that I was up and on the computer at 4:30 AM this morning. Neil’s seminar was better than a cup of coffee! The ideas Neil shared with me also helped immensely in my networking at the Fancy Foods Expo. Thanks so much for offering this seminar at DBM. I would recommend it to anyone who has ever considered starting a business.”

Deirdre Junta
Wheaton, IL

“Dear Neil: On behalf of the Duman Microenterprise Center and Loan Fund, we would like to thank you for being a part of our Business Toolkit for Entrepreneurs lecture series. It was both a pleasure and honor to meet you. As a speaker, everyone was captivated in hearing your talk on “Why Publicity Matters.” Learning about how to get more publicity was of great interest to our entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs could relate to your discussion, and found insight into what you had to say. The 5W’s and 1H are essential elements in writing a proper press release, and our entrepreneurs were enthusiastic about gaining this newfound knowledge. You are a wonderful speaker! And it was an amazing evening for us all. We appreciate you giving so generously of your time to The Duman Microenterprise Center and Loan Fund, and we look forward to seeing you again in the future. Again, thank you for the very informative and entertaining lecture.”

Amy Lorber
Program Coordinator
Jewish Vocational Service of Chicago

“Thanks for coming down. You are always a wonderful asset to our show. You can tell Bill really enjoys having you on.

Kathryn Delk
The Money Show with Bill Moller
WGN Radio

“Neil has been an outstanding resource for our candidates who are thinking about or actually pursuing starting their own businesses or buying a business. He provides a significant service by speaking to our candidates about the realities of entrepreneurialism and then into the details about how to effectively engage in it, from discovery through implementation. He has been extremely well received and comes highly recommended as a great resource.”

Bob Gotwalt VP, Director of Professional Services, Lee Hecht Harrison

“Neil, I just wanted to thank you for your very informative presentation last Monday at Drake, Beam, and Morin. I’ve attended quite a few of DBM’s Monday morning roundtable presentations. Yours was by far the best. You were not only well prepared but shared a tremendous amount of information and material. It impressed me that you did not hesitate a moment to share any material you had with those attending. You related well to those present and identified well with the DBM clients. You provided a valued service that was truly appreciated. Thanks so much for your time, and the wisdom of DBM to invite you.”

John Olson
Minneapolis, MN

“Thanks for all your information. Your West Group presentation, materials and follow-ups are not only excellent, but truly an inspiration for me as a re-emerging entrepreneur. In this day and age, I agree that just about every business should have the right business organization, protection of assets, etc.”

Tom Myer
Bloomington, MN

“Neil-It was a pleasure meeting you today at the Entrepreneurial Pre-Meeting today. I enjoyed the presentation and believe your firm is offering a real service to those who may be looking to take the leap and start their own business. Too often, entrepreneurs are left to figure it out on their own. I know I was when I started my company back in 1986. While there are many self-help books, web sites and the like available, there is still no substitute to having someone there to help you through the maze of regulatory, financial, organizational and all the other details that need attending to when one starts up a company.”

James Fitch
Chicago, IL

“Neil, thanks for today. I found you and what you’ve done with your business very inspirational. It’s a relief to know that your business exists to help new start up businesses. You increase the potential for success and take the intimidation factor away.” Much abundance to you!”

Diane Testa
Evanston, IL

“Neil – It was a pleasure meeting you at your “Starting a Small Business” presentation you made at the DBM offices in Bloomington. The information you presented was extremely helpful.”

Dan Wallek
Wheaton, IL

“Dear Neil: I just wanted to let you know that your presentation at DBM last week on entrepreneurship was very interesting. I have some tentative thoughts in that area but just in the thinking stage at this point. However, I will definitely keep your firm in mind if I decide to go that route. In the meantime, I was so impressed that I have been passing on the information to others who mention starting their own businesses. In fact, one was a person later the same day at DBM and he picked up materials you left. Thanks again for the presentation and information.”

Diane Brown
Deerfield, IL

“Thank you for the great seminar this last Monday, I really learned a lot.”

Ellen Grimsby
Bloomington, MN

“Mr. Anderson, thank you for taking the time to provide us with the 20 Tips for Success. I appreciated hearing your experiences and have printed your 20 tips to remind me not to forget these items in my pursuit of success. I gathered several good points especially with regard to Marketing and PR. Thanks again for your help!”

Duncan Meskill
Chicago, IL

“Neil – It was a pleasure meeting you at your “Starting a Small Business” presentation you made at the DBM offices in Bloomington. The information you presented was extremely helpful.”

Dan Wallek
Bloomington, MN

“Neil, thank you for giving me the opportunity to introduce myself. I was impressed with your presentation and believe that you have the right product at the right time.”

John W. Pratten III Minnetonka, MN

“Neil, thanks for a great program at the Chicago Chamber of Commerce Experts for Free. I appreciate your tremendous effort. From changing e-mail PR to “Story pitch/Idea” to loving sales, to developing strategic alliances, to speaking at Barnes and Noble; your advice was sound and very helpful. From one speaker to another, I picked up many great tips. Add to that your laid back, but direct approach and I’d give you five stars all the way! “(By the way, feel free to use this as a testimonial).

Todd Natenberg
Chicago, IL

“Dear Neil, your presentation was first class and hit all the critical and pain areas of an entrepreneur and many startup organizations. I very much relate with the issues you raised and hope to learn from you a great deal.

Alex Alavi
Wheaton, IL

“Hector, I would like to introduce you to Neil Anderson as a potential speaker for your upcoming Small Business Expo. Attached are some of the speaking topics that Neil has done for us in the past. Neil is an excellent presenter and has always received high marks on our workshop evaluations. “

Joseph DeLaGarza, Associate Director
Center for Urban Business (CUB)
Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)

“Neil, I had the pleasure of attending you workshop at the Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce on this past Tuesday and wanted to say what a fantastic job you did in not only sharing you expertise and ideas, but also getting the group involved and allowing us to learn from each other as well. Please keep me informed of any upcoming workshops that you will be providing and I will do my best to make sure that I am there. Thanks so much for a job well done!

Milton E. Brown, Jr.
Chicago, IL

“Sue, I met with John Wetzel on Tuesday and told him how I thoroughly enjoyed Neil Anderson’s presentation, his style and his ability to answer questions based on his experience. It was a fantastic class for me. It confirmed that a consulting company is definitely part of my next chapter in my book of life. While I had already set up a LLC, I learned a lot from Neil and may use his PR/Marketing services in the future. I would HIGHLY recommend using Neil in future Right Management courses.

Mike Downing
Chicago, IL

“Hi Neil, thanks for your presentation today on exploring entrepreneurship and starting a business; there were quite a number of gems in it!

Andreas Danckers
Libertyville, Illinois

The Courage Group, Inc.